Cassidy Curtis-- Rubber Stamps

Cassidy Curtis -- Rubber Stamps

Available for your enjoyment: the illusion of authority, at a very reasonable cost. Remember, the office does not process unauthorized papers. Always make sure your materials have been properly stamped.


Don't let the bureaucracy get the better of you. Send me your paperwork and a SASE, and I will stamp it and return it to you free of charge. This is a limited time offer.

Illusion of Authority
272 Cumberland Street
San Francisco, CA 94114

(Stamps are hand-carved in NASCO Safety-Kut unless otherwise noted.)

The Genius (2x4", 1998)

Validation (3", 1995)

Portrait of Geoff Henderson (3x4", 1993)

Irony (1995, commissioned by Andrew Chaikin)

Fishmail I (linocut, 1991)
(larger version)

Fishmail II (1995)

Bookplate (3x5", 1997)

The Autonomous Third Party (1.5x0.5", 1996)

Gah (linocut, 1991)

These stamps are yet to be scanned in:
RSI (1996)

"Irony-Free" ©1995 Andrew Chaikin and Cassidy Curtis; All other stamps © Cassidy Curtis.

You too can control the means of reproduction. Carve your own stamps!

Other stamp carving resources:

The Carving Consortium
Tabloid Trash

