Available for your enjoyment: the illusion of authority, at a very reasonable cost. Remember, the office does not process unauthorized papers. Always make sure your materials have been properly stamped.
(Stamps are hand-carved in NASCO Safety-Kut unless otherwise noted.)
The Genius (2x4", 1998)
Validation (3", 1995)
Portrait of Geoff Henderson (3x4", 1993)
Irony (1995, commissioned by Andrew Chaikin)
Fishmail I (linocut, 1991)
(larger version)
Fishmail II (1995)
Bookplate (3x5", 1997)
The Autonomous Third Party (1.5x0.5", 1996)
Gah (linocut, 1991)
These stamps are yet to be scanned in:
RSI (1996)
"Irony-Free" ©1995 Andrew Chaikin and Cassidy Curtis; All other stamps © Cassidy Curtis.
You too can control the means of reproduction. Carve your own stamps!
The Carving Consortium
Tabloid Trash