NASA has finally started releasing photos and video from their STEREO satellites– a pair of satellites that orbit our Sun slightly ahead of and behind the Earth, giving us a binocular 3D view of the star’s surface.
The only problem with NASA’s press site is that they only provide red-cyan anaglyph images, which can only be appreciated with colored 3D glasses. I didn’t have a pair handy, so I split the red and cyan layers into this crosseyed stereo view. Enjoy!
The Heather Gold Show was a total blast– great host, fun guests, warm audience! Too bad Enzo scampered out before we could get him in this picture.
Update: Heather has put up the audio podcast, as well as some discussion and links on her blog. Feel free to join the conversation!
I’ll be making an appearance on the Heather Gold Show next Friday, April 13th, to talk about synesthesia and perception. Also attending will be my dear friend Colleen Silva, whose synesthesia is completely unique. Should be a very interesting show. If you’re in San Francisco, swing on by and check us out! (Details after the jump…)
Continue reading Heather Gold Show, April 13 →
More billboard remixing by Jason Eppink: The Pixelator. I love the tongue-in-cheek description of the project. It’s like an inside-out version of “The Subconscious Art of Graffiti Removal”:
Pixelator is an unauthorized on-going video art performance collaboration with the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority, Clear Channel Communications, and its selected artists.
(via Wooster Collective)
Cassidy Curtis's splendid display of colorful things.