(with apologies to M. Duchamp)
All posts by Cassidy Curtis
Farm Fight!
Click here to download full-res Quicktime (720×480, 20MB)
A rousing game of Carcassonne played at lightning speed, while the boys play Rescue Rangers in the background. Starring Andy James, Elliott, Finn, and myself. Location: Vashon Island, Washington. Shot, as usual, on a Canon DSLR, at a rate of 10 seconds per frame. Video edited using Quicktime Pro and iMovie. (This is my first time using iMovie, and I now understand what Lorelei meant when she said it was “like editing with a big crayon.”)
Here’s a fun idea: a set of colorful wooden blocks that can be rearranged into English words and their equivalent characters in Japanese/Chinese Kanji: Toypography. I especially like the above example because three of the four letters are exactly the right color!
(via Everyone Forever, via Boing Boing.)
Lichtfaktor brings us another iteration on the lightpainting animation meme. I like how he uses street furniture like mailboxes and trashcans as parts of the animated characters. It’s like the most non-destructive kind of graffiti imaginable… talk about leaving no trace! It’s also got a sweet IDM soundtrack.
(via Wooster Collective)
Lightpainting animation brings everyone happiness!
This Conversation May Be Recorded…
Folk Typography essay in LAB zine
The internets are a wonderful thing. In April 2005, during my Flickr honeymoon, I started a group called Folk Typography: a place to collect all the weird typographical innovations stumbled upon by people whose job is anything but typography. Two years and four hundred photos later, the group’s become a nice little compendium of quirks, and has attracted some remarkable folks.
One of those folks is Joseph Robertson, a guy of such astonishing gumption that, in order to teach himself graphic design, he created an entire magazine from scratch: LAB magazine. The first issue was a knockout: beautiful, sleek, and stuffed with more fascinating articles than any ten magazines in my local newsstand. So when Joseph asked me to contribute to an article about Folk Type for the next issue, I couldn’t say no!
That issue is now online for your enjoyment, in its entirety, for free: LAB magazine issue 01. Or you can jump right to the article itself. But if you’re a reader who likes colorful things, I highly recommend getting your hands on a handsomely printed hard copy. Have at it!
Maker Faire
Finally made it to Maker Faire! It really is one of the coolest events ever. It’s one of those things that makes me glad to live in San Francisco: so many creative freaks and geeks in one place! You got your electro-tinkerers, your robotic overlords, your bitchin’ stitchers, the works. We even got to see the Mentos and Diet Coke guys do their thing!
I took a few photos. So did everyone else. Enjoy!

Apparently there have been several scientific studies that demonstrate this interesting fact: when you’re wearing a Telestereoscope, not only do you look like a total spazz, you also catch like one.
Of course, we didn’t need a double-blind study to figure that out. A few tosses of a crusty old tennis ball were enough to know that we wouldn’t be using our device to cheat our way into Wimbledon any time soon.
Shrek the Third opens tomorrow!
So, Shrek the Third opens tomorrow. Y’all are going to see it, right? Of course you are! ;-)
The trailers have been out for a while, so I’m sure you’ve seen them around. As it turns out, there are shots I animated in almost all the movie trailers! Some Shrek shots, some princesses, even a few ogre babies (the cute ones, not the dancing ones…)
The shot pictured above has a little easter egg, a “shout-out” to all you computer animation industry old-timers. (You won’t see it in the image above–I’ll leave it up to you to scan through the trailer and figure it out!) “Mad props” to my “homie” Jerry Hebert for “hooking me up” with the idea! ;-)
Alien Attack
On the road the other day I saw something black leap up at my car. When I got out of the car, I saw no sign of it at first. It wasn’t until later that I discovered it was clinging to the underside of the chassis. By the time I pried it loose, it had coated the exhaust system with a foul-smelling symbiotic alien goo.
I didn’t get any on me, and so far I haven’t yet found myself sporting an emo haircut or black outfit, or breaking out into spontaneous dance numbers. But watch out.
Drive your Bike to Work Day!
It’s Bike Month!
You’ve got a bike, right?
The purple Schwinn mountain bike you were were going to ride every day. The one you crammed into the back of your car when you drove out west from Minnesota, now collecting dust in your garage.
Well, it’s Bike Month, and it’s time your bike got the fresh air and exercise it deserves.
That’s right, Drive Your Bike to Work Day is almost here! On Monday, May 14th, hoist that bike onto the roof of your car and drive it to work!
And watch out for low-clearance garages. Don’t let this happen to you:
Props to Kathryn for coming up with this great idea. Hee hee! :-)