Category Archives: photos

hairball from a giant robot

hairball from a giant robot

Originally uploaded by otherthings.

One thing I can tell you about giant robots: you don’t want to be under them when they start coughing and hacking. The industrial demolition ones are especially bad. They’re sold as “self-maintaining”, which just means they get totally neglected by their owners, and wander around town looking for scraps. I think this one had some type of warehouse for lunch. There were paint cans stuck in its teeth, and it looked kind of ill. I don’t think asbestos agrees with their digestion.

photo opening tonight!

please come to the party Thurs

Originally uploaded by fotogail.

Sorry for the late notice… I keep forgetting that I can also use this blog to announce stuff that’s going to happen, and not just stuff that’s already happened.

To wit: a couple of my photos are in an exhibition at the Brickhouse Cafe in San Francisco’s SoMa district, right by the ballpark and the train station. The opening is tonight from 7-10pm. Swing by if you’re in the neighborhood! Details below the jump.

Continue reading photo opening tonight!



Originally uploaded by otherthings.

I was walking down Tire Beach today, when one of the homeless folks who lives around there suddenly shouted out “we were burned up in a fire!” with a cheerful grin. I laughed, not sure if she was joking.

She was not joking.

Snow in San Francisco?

Sleet on Twin Peaks

Originally uploaded by otherthings.

There were rumors of snow in San Francisco today! Unfortunately those of us with day jobs in the burbs couldn’t be here to witness it in action… but we drove up to the top of Twin Peaks tonight to see if there was anything left. All we found were remnants of a slushy sleety crust. But it was still quite a thing to see our breath and feel real ice crunching beneath our shoes!

San Francisco in Jell-O

Goddess of Fog

Originally uploaded by otherthings.

Seen at the Exploratorium: a scale model of a chunk of San Francisco landscape made entirely of Jell-O. Not visible here is how it shakes and jiggles, but you can imagine. More surprising to me was the delicious fruity aroma! The piece was created by Liz Hickok, who keeps it in sections in her fridge when it’s not on display. Shown here is the artist’s mother, who spent the evening pouring dry ice fog over the cityscape for a proper San Francisco ambiance.